Boujee Brands Ventura County, CA Web Design

Affordable web design for contractors
and small businesses

Do you have an effective, streamlined online presence to drive new clients to your business?

Your competitors do!

Failing to invest in their website and online brand is the number one mistake small businesses are making in the modern world of digital marketing. Boujee Brands, a Ventura County web design company, specialises in helping businesses like yours succeed online.

Why Boujee Brands
Web Design

We acknowledge that there are plenty of do-it-yourself web design tools out there, some of which even offer their services for free. But there is usually a reason for that. Using a Jack-of-all-trades website builder may provide you with something that looks professional on the surface, but in truth it guarantees a sub-optimal digital presence, ensuring you leave money on the table month after month after month. Many companies don't even realize they are missing out on significant additional revenue streams. For a deeper dive, check out our article comparing the cost of a professional website and why it's a worthwhile investment on our Articles page.

The problem with DIY
website builders:

One size fits all — your site will look like a copy and pasted version of hundreds of others, without any personalization to your individual business

Outdated website design — Remember, first impressions count!

Slow loading times — too slow, and your customer will lose interest!

Boring copywriting that fails to engage the client

A severe lack of optimization for conversations and sales

No dedicated team and no support

Why is Boujee Brands better
than other agencies?

Boujee Brands is not your typical web design company: we take a completely personalized, optimized, affordable, and individualized approach to branding and website design. We do not use pre-made templates. We do not follow a one-size-fits-all methodology. While platforms like Weebly and Wix offer some flexibility, they often come with limitations that can constrain your site's performance, design, and functionality.

Instead, we take the time to get to know our clients, to listen to their specific needs, and to create a website that puts them in front of their customers. Each line of code is hand-crafted, ensuring your site is unique, efficient, and valuable to your business model.

As a small team based in Ventura County, California and the UK, we are able to dedicate time and attention to clients that larger firms simply cannot match, ensuring that every project receives the care and detail it deserves. We can also offer more affordable web design services than larger agencies, without compromising on quality.

What separates Boujee Brands from the competition:

  • Custom lean/fast code using modern technologies
  • Visually appealing and unique web design that fits your brand
  • Fast websites with loading speeds of under 2 seconds
  • Engaging copywriting to hook your customers
  • Best SEO practices to rank high on search engines
  • A streamlined and intentional user journey designed to drive sales
  • Dedicated customer support with replies within 24 hours
  • Up to 2 hours of ongoing work per month included for no extra cost

We'd love to meet you over some coffee

We are based in SoCal, Oxnard to be more specific, but can drive to meet you in person anywhere in Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, Santa Paula, Camarillo, Ventura, and broader Ventura County. We're also in Los Angeles every couple of weeks and can make something work there if you're from LA. If you're further afield, not to worry! We can still video call, talk over the phone, or email.
Click here to reach out or text 805-790-8243 to get in touch with Jorge, our co-founder.

The Boujee
Brands Strategy

Custom Website Design

We believe that every website should be intrinsically linked to the business and brand it belongs to. That's why our website-building services include color schemes, logo placement, and any other unique branding you professional and work great on both mobile and computer screens of any size. But no matter how good your website looks and feels, you still need effective Calls To Action (CTA) in order to drive business — an art form we are well versed in.


We conduct thorough keyword research into your business sector and niche, ensuring the page text includes all the most efficient keywords and terms for search engine rankings. Your website will be submitted to search engines such as Google and Bing, and we will create professional business profiles on directories like Google Maps and Yelp. Using modern, proven strategies and techniques to optimize your website and content, we can help give you an edge over your competitors.

User Experience

At Boujee Brands, we look to create an intentional narrative that runs through your website from start to finish.
What does the reader see first? What do they see next? How does that order drive business and turn a prospect into a customer?
We have years of experience streamlining the science behind this layout. It is also important to ensure that your website is accessible, easy to use, and provides simple navigation.


Not only do we provide expert website-building services, but we also fill your site with professional and original copywriting. The text on your website goes a long way to convincing a prospect to become a customer, not to mention search engine optimization. We also carefully select illustrations and images, and optimize content placement, to enrich the overall look and feel of your site.

Custom Web Development

We appreciate that your business comes with its own unique challenges and features, which is why we also offer custom web development services. Whether you need to provide quote forms for your customers, interactive price calculators, mini apps, custom widgets, Content Management Systems (CMS), or third-party integrations and solutions, we have you covered!

Free 30 Minute Consultation

We're not just your web designers; we're committed to helping your business thrive online. Book a meeting with us today.

Best Practices

Google currently provide tests to judge the performance of your website called Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights — tests that measure four key categories: SEO, accessibility, performance, and best practices. Boujee Brands can guarantee scores of between 90% and 100% on all four categories, ensuring you get a high-performing website across the board. That means it ranks well via search engines, it is accessible on all devices, and it looks and feels good to the user.

Content and images are optimized to reduce loading times. This means you get top-quality content, high-quality photographs, and faster loading speeds for your website. That's a win, win, win!

Modern Tech Stack

Templated solutions on DIY website builder services and by many digital marketing agencies less well-versed in web development are often built on old technology stacks. They've built their foundation using outdated technology that's less responsive and difficult to optimize without in-house programmers. This leaves you feeling overwhelmed and confused about why your outdated site is not converting more clients.

With DIY tools, you give up a lot of control, making it tougher to stay ahead. Don't fall behind, sign up for our monthly package and ensure your site is always up to date.

Lean Code

DIY page-builders use one-size-fits-all templates with clunky code and widgets/plugins that are not necessary for your site. We write custom code by hand, from scratch, using efficient coding and only including the features your site actually needs.

Our approach focuses on making your website lightning-fast, easy to use, infinitely customizable, highly secure, and incredibly reliable. We build sites that load almost instantly, keep your data safe, and are always accessible to potential customers and search engines.

Our Websites are Accessible

Did you know that not all consumers have the latest iPhone? In fact, over 133 million people in the US alone use an Android phone!

Most websites do not code with accessibility in mind and neglect phone compatibility, font sizing, alternative text, or text-to-speech considerations. This makes it even harder to use for older, less tech-savvy customers. Why would you want to neglect a whole generation of possible clients?

At Boujee Brands, we take this into account when designing your website and ensure your services are easily accessible to all.

At Boujee Brands, our stack is always up to date!

Astro.js Vercel Jamstack (Javascript, API, Markup) Tailwind CSS Plausible Analytics

Examples of our
Past Work

Case Study:
Vision Glass Doors

Vision Glass Doors is a home improvement company based in the UK that designs, manufactures, and installs glass doors. And while their business was of the highest quality, they were struggling to convert prospects into customers using a website that was more than a decade old. Not only did we bring them up to speed, but we also updated their copywriting, optimized their code, improved mobile usability, improved accessibility, added high-resolution, professional photographs, and included call-to-action buttons to drive more business. The outcome — we turned a dated and ineffective website with potentially high bounce rates into a highly optimized machine designed specifically to convert interested browsers into loyal customers.

Want your website to look and perform like this?

Contact us today to get started!

What to Expect from Boujee Brands —
The Process

We appreciate that every business is different, and we want to understand the intricacies of your company before designing a single element of your website. This is what to expect from the Boujee Brands process.

Discovery call

Schedule a call with us to chat about your business, brand, and what you are looking for from your website. We believe understanding you is the first step to success.


We will then send over a questionnaire to gather even more information about your business, industry, and requirements.

Mapping the site

Our design and copywriting teams will then create a mock-up to show you the content and structure of your brand-new site. This usually takes two weeks.

Design and review

Once the mock-up gets the thumbs up, our teams will get to work! And once they deliver a stunning design, we will review the site together and you will get the chance to request revisions.

Final touches and delivery

After you give us your final approval, our experts will put the finishing touches on the site and get it ready to go live within three weeks!

That makes for a total time commitment of just 6-8 weeks from your very first discovery call meeting to a state-of-the-art, visually stunning, brand-new website! Timings may vary, but we always keep our clients involved at every step of the way.