Our Expertise in One Place

Our thoughts on effective web design, pricing, and overall strategy for small businesses and contractors.

  • A photo of a dog sitting on a bed using a laptop.
    James Walker

    Here's Why Your Dog Grooming Business Needs a Website

    Skipping a dog grooming website is a big mistake. Today, everyone uses the internet to find what they need. If your dog grooming business isn't online with its own website, you're missing out on lots of potential customers. Here's why having a website is crucial for groomers.

  • Text on a gradient background saying Top 5 Reasons to Redesign Your Small Business Website In 2024.
    James Walker

    5 reasons why you should redesign your small business website in 2024

    Imagine walking into a store that hasn't changed its style since the early 2000s. That's what an outdated website feels like to your potential customers! Find out the top 5 reasons your small business may benefit from a website redesign and the importance of a good, engaging website.

  • A website design watercolor illustration.
    James Walker

    Top 5 common small business website mistakes

    Discover how to increase your small business's online success by avoiding these top 5 website design mistakes. From broken links to outdated content, learn practical tips for creating a more engaging, effective, and user-friendly website.

  • Person writing a checklist on a notepad.
    James Walker

    What does a small business website cost in 2024?

    Looking to improve your current website or considering a new digital home for your business? The cost landscape can be confusing, whether you're upgrading an existing website or starting from scratch. We'll guide you through the different options available, from simple DIY methods to professional web design services that an agency can provide (like ours).